Do you sometimes feel like you’re going around in circles and not achieving the things you set out to do? Do you wonder why you still haven’t gotten that dream job you have your heart set on? Or why the right business opportunity just hasn’t come your way? The answer could lie in the various psychological barriers that stand between your goals and you.

Here are 5 critical barriers to success:

1. Fear

This is the number one culprit that prevents people from achieving what they really want. At its extreme, fear paralyses people because fear impacts our ability to make choices. Who we are today is based on the choices we have made in the past so in order to be happier, we need to look at the choices we have made in our lives and deconstruct backwards. Start by thinking about this: If you were not limited by fear, what would you do? If fear didn’t exist in your life, what would you do for one week? For a month? That way, you can figure out your heart’s desires and construct your goals accordingly.

2. Blind optimism & Perfectionism

Are you always optimistic that everything will turn out well, in spite of the obvious odds? If so, it’s time to take a reality check because you may be a blind optimist. These are people who are in denial and refuse to examine clear evidence in front of them. This could be due to ignorance or arrogance. Ignorance can be overcome by education but arrogance is a thinking habit that is more difficult to combat. When combined, it is impossible to defeat.

Perfectionists, on the other hand, are obsessed about getting things right. They may be high achievers but the downside is that their compulsive way of thinking may also impair their ability to be flexible. For example, perfectionists may only invest their time in doing things that they know they will score well. They will not go out of their comfort zone and as a result, they may not develop tenacity or even try new things, thus limiting their growth.

3. Multitasking

It is great to be ambitious but if you find yourself juggling too many projects or major goals at the same time, you can be spreading yourself too thin. Several recent studies have brought to light that such lack of focus can result in you neglecting important areas and that could be why you tend to always fall short of achieving your goals. Worst still, you may feel so overwhelmed from spinning too many plates in the air that you get burnt out and give up altogether.

4. You’re barking up the wrong tree

Building on the previous point, you might be too busy with the wrong things. Stop and take stock right now: Are you busy doing tasks that get you closer to your end goal or do you find yourself being busy all the time yet the really important things never seem to get done? Are you currently just surviving or are you actually thriving wherever you are right now? For example, if you’re considering seeking greener pastures (with regard to a job or relationship), ask yourself whether you are just killing time, or really flourishing in that environment. Every once in awhile, get off the treadmill and take stock of where you are in relation to your life and career objectives.

 5. You’re not in the right company

After a stressful day at work, how do you choose to unwind? Do you mix with successful people or do you surround yourself with complainers? People think that they should hang out with people they are comfortable with, especially after a long day at work. But we’ve all heard the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together”. This concept is supported by the social psychology theory of ‘normopathy’, which describes the pursuit of conformity and social acceptance at the expense of individuality. So if you surround yourself with people who complain a lot, the effect is that you will absorb that energy and tend to complain too.

On the contrary, if you hang out with people who are at the top of their game, they will inspire you to be at your peak and in turn, you will inspire others as well. Thus, you need to be more strategic and choose to surround yourself with people who will add value to your life and help you get closer to your goals.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this article, which will be published next week.